
Update 0.8:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.4

  • More clean Code

  • Added UserProtected exception to identify if the user is private

  • Added place attribute to the Tweet

  • Added card attribute to the Tweet

Update 1.0:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.5

  • All Data Objects are JSON Serializable now (mostly)

  • UserTweets and Search has been reworked alot , more details All Available Functions

  • Now you can pass an additional cursor parameter to get_tweets and search functions

  • Whole directory structure has been reworked , please do check documentation before upgrading

Update 1.0.1:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.5.2

  • Fixed the sheet not Found error in to_xlsx() method

  • Fixed NoneType error when Card has no choices

  • Added is_quoted attribute to Tweet

  • Added quoted_tweet attribute to Tweet

  • Added quote_counts attribute to Tweet

  • Added vibe attribute to Tweet

  • Added is_possibly_sensitive attribute to Tweet

  • Added username attribute to User

  • Added possibly_sensitive attribute to User

  • Added pinned_tweets attribute to User

  • Early Adaptation to Twitter 2.0

Update 1.1:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.6.0

  • Moved from requests to httpx

  • Lot of Bug Fixes

Update 1.2:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.6.1

  • quoted_tweet has been fixed

  • New Attribute bookmark_count has been added

  • Bug Fixes

Update 1.3:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.7

  • Early Cookies implementations

  • Now get_tweets accept the individual usernames, check get_user_info

  • As search now requires user to be logged in , it will not work without cookies

  • Extended All Exceptions with some additional attributes , check exceptions

  • Removed wget , and added a custom implementation for download

  • Added tqdm for download progress

  • Removed to_dict in most methods , and all will be removed in future

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.4:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.7.1

  • Fixed ‘TypeError: Union[arg, …]’

  • Completely Removed wget

  • Completely removed to_dict method

  • Added bio description entities date attributes to User

  • Added date attribute to Tweet

  • Added New iter_tweets methods to Twitter , check iter_tweets

  • Added New iter_search methods to Twitter , check iter_search

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.5:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.8

  • Many bug fixes

  • Added new get_mentions , get_inbox, send_message methods

  • Cookies are now necessary

  • Added can_dm attributes to User

  • Added RateLimitReached new Exception

  • Added New Inbox, Conversation, Message, Mention

  • Added Event Listener

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.6:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.9

  • Many bug fixes

  • Updated the Twitter Class

  • Added sign_in method with session support

  • Added load_cookies method

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.7:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.9.5

  • Fixed sign in issues

  • Session file can only be saved and loaded from different directory

  • Fixed the Proxy support , it would now work as expected.

  • send_message can now send files too (only images)

  • Added DeniedLogin Exception

  • Added create_tweet method

  • Added get_bookmarks , iter_bookmarks method

  • Added MozillaCookieJar support to load_cookies method

  • Removed tqdm totally , you can now pass your own progress_callback function

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.7.1:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.9.6

  • Fixed sign in issues once again

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.8:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 0.9.9

  • Added interactive version of sign_in called start

  • Added New Exception ActionRequired

  • Reworked tweet_detail , it will be fixed now

  • Added New get_home_timeline, iter_home_timeline, get_tweet_likes, iter_tweet_likes, get_tweet_retweets, iter_tweet_retweets, like_tweet, retweet_tweet, follow_user, unfollow_user Methods

  • TweetThreads has been renamed to SelfThreads

  • Added new ConversationThread, TweetRetweets, TweetLikes Types

  • comments in Tweet now returns list of ConversationThread Object

  • Session file format renamed to tw_session

  • photos, videos SearchFilter has been merged and renamed to Media

  • Added reply_to argument to create_tweet

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.8.1:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to

  • Fixed the Import Errors

  • Fixed the annotation Errors

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 1.9:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to

  • Fixed tweet comments pagination

  • Added Video Upload Support

  • Fixed the create_tweet issue

  • Fixed the tweet`text` length issue

  • Added alt_text to Media

  • Added create_pool

  • Added Pool

  • Reworked Choice

  • wait_time now accepts iterable

  • Added RichText , RichTag

  • Added rich_text attribute to Tweet

  • Fixed SelfThread not able to parse the tweet

  • Added load_auth_token method to AuthMethods

  • Added get_community, get_community_tweets, iter_community_tweet, get_community_members, iter_community_members method to BotMethods

  • Added get_tweet_notifications, iter_tweet_notifications, enable_user_notification, disable_user_notification, method to UserMethods

  • Added Community, CommunityTweets, CommunityMembers, TweetNotifications Data Types

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 2.0:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 1.0

  • Added many new methods to Base Twitter Class, do check full documentation

  • Added best_stream method to Media Class

  • Added video upload

  • Many bug fixes

  • Please do check the full documentation before upgrading

Update 2.1:

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to 1.0.2

  • Lot of bug fixes and code improvements

Update 3.1

  • Module version on PYPI Repository is bumped to

  • Alot of Bug Fixes

  • Added ProtectedTweet Exception

  • Added URL, Hashtag Type

  • Added “tweet_edit_history” method

  • Fixed Inbox Class

  • Added EditControl Type

  • Added Symbol Type

  • Added get_user_media method

  • Added iter_user_media method

  • Added is_liked, is_retweeted attributes to Tweet class

  • Added get_next_page and get_next_page method to Conversation class

  • Added user id cache

  • Optimized the BaseGeneratorClass

  • SelfThread not being parsed is fixed

  • Fixed issue when no user returned in inbox requests

  • Added get_topic method

  • Added get_topic_tweets method

  • Create Tweet now supports quoting a Tweet

  • Added get_user_id method

  • Added user_mentions, urls, hashtags, symbols in Message object

  • Added get_mutual_followers method

  • Added get_blocked_users method

  • Added get_tweet_analytics method

  • Added unlike_tweet method

  • Added translate_tweet method